
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Our First Event! (Part 1)

Pin It One of the gifts I churned out this holiday season was a set of cupcake stands:
Cupcake stands:  melamine plates, candlesticks and drawer knobs.
Cupcake stands:  melamine plates, candlesticks and drawer knobs.

I used some cute melamine plates I had found on sale and some wooden and brass candle holders.

A friend loved them so much that she asked me to create 20 for an upcoming event.


Of course I said yes.  Crazy, right?  Especially since the cute (cheap) plates had all been sold by that time.  But I found a bunch of Christmas plates for 70% off at Target.

Cupcake stands:  melamine plates
Most of the plates were scratched and some were even chipped.  I kept a few back for myself, and used the rest.

Problem was, they were Christmas plates!  So I started crafting like crazy to make it work.

First I sprayed them with gesso, which allowed me to paint the plates without fear of the paint chipping or peeling off.
Cupcake stands:  gesso spray

While the paint was drying, I scoured the Internet for designs to cut with my trusty Craft Robo.  I eventually designed part of them on my own (using Photoshop), and bought some from, where I buy most of the designs I don't make myself.

Here are some of the designs I plan on using:

Cupcake stands:  artwork used: butterflies
Butterfly silhouette for vinyl cutter.
Cupcake stands:  artwork used
Princess  silhouette for vinyl cutter.

Cupcake stands:  artwork used
Ballerina silhouettes for vinyl cutter.

Cupcake stands:  artwork used
Beast from Beauty and the Beast silhouette for vinyl cutter.

Cupcake stands:  artwork used
Perched owls (Valentine's Day)  silhouette for vinyl cutter.

Cupcake stands:  artwork used
Bride silhouette for vinyl cutter.

Until next time,
~Sister #2

Coming Soon:  Our First Event! (Part 2)

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