
Friday, January 6, 2012

Vintage Suitcases

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Recycled crafts:  repurposed suitcase
Picnic basket from Design Sponge.
I admit it.  I have a secret love for vintage suitcases.  What is it about them that makes them so adorable?  Maybe it's the feeling of nostalgia they invoke.  Maybe it's their solidness--the hard exterior case could protect and store any number of imaginable things.

Whatever it is, I have collected three so far--only three!  Two of them are not so inspirational and have been repurposed as storage.  One is for wrapping paper.  I stocked it with tape, scissors, paper, bags and ribbon, so when the need arises, I pull out the suitcase and have everything in one place.  The other is filled with party supplies.  The third--a big, beautiful PINK hard-sided case, is waiting for a special repurpose.

Recycled crafts:  repurposed suitcase

Being a jack-of-all-crafts, I have a collection of various supplies that are scattered around my studio (don't you think that "studio" is so much more creative sounding than "office" or "work room"?).  When I move from one project to the next, I often find myself scrambling for space.  And sometimes the supplies for a project are spread out in different packages and boxes.  This is especially true when it comes to jewelry making.  I have so many boxes that when I pull them out I get lost trying to figure out where a certain bead or wire or tool is.  So I decided to use the same organization technique with my beading as I did with the party supplies and wrap.  Why not put it all in one place so that when I want to work on a project, I can just pull it out and have everything I need?  That big pink beauty would be a perfect fit.

First I scoured the internet to see what others had done.  I found a good many sites showing tables, chairs and pet beds, but so far none of them show what I am trying to do, although a few come close.  Since my suitcase/workspace is still under construction, here are a few I am drawing inspiration from:

Recycled crafts:  repurposed suitcase
Found on Pinterest.  I wish my wrapping suitcase looked like this!

Recycled crafts:  repurposed suitcase
Very cool medicine cabinet from 

Recycled crafts:  repurposed suitcase
Sewing kit from atypical type a

Until next time,
~Sister #2

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